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The Queen Is Dead Volume 95 – Ananda Mida, Dusk, Dopelord


Ananda Mida is an Italian musical creature that floats free in the sonic cosmos and sometimes releases a few accounts of its journeys on phonographic supports such as this ‘Reconcilier’ on Go Down Records, which is 83 minutes long, double-disc and lots of psychedelia inside. The record is the final part of a trilogy inspired by Gurdjieff’s book ‘Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson’, and is the part of the sacred reconciliation, in a project developed with artist Eeviac. The group’s sound is a psychedelia that possesses great depth, a sound that becomes an expansion of consciousness and alters the reality around us, influencing our brains first and foremost. There is a lot going on in these tracks, the sound textures are very elaborate while leaving the spirit of rehearsal room improvisation in the background. Ananda Midas’ sonic trademark is clearly recognisable, in every song and almost in every passage there is a change, the exposure of some different element, a continuous exploration of the possibilities of this life and the cosmos that surrounds it. A work that for other bands would seem ambitious, but Ananda Midas manage to focus on it perfectly, interpenetrating their music perfectly, as it was so many years ago and as is increasingly rare now. A record of total psychidelia, bewitching and making the best of what it represents.


Austria’s Dusk are a gifted occult hard rock band devoted to the seventies. Their long-distance debut ‘Wheels of confusion’, the title says a lot about their inspirations, is released by the Italian Argonauta Records and is a very good record. The band’s hard rock with female vocals has a particular hold on the listener, both for its dynamism and for its ability to evoke dark yet magical landscapes, full of something that is being lost in our times. Dusk’s sound excites by its fullness and style, it is not a mere retro or mannered style, but something made with much care and dedication, and the results can be heard on this record. Lots of references to the seventies but also personal additions and an overall result that is of high quality. Darkness, a gothic feeling through incendiary hard rock with links to the Scandinavian tradition, these are the main characteristics of an album that develops very well and is just a pleasure to listen to, beautifully charged and with great melodies. Dusk have made their pact with Satan well and the black lord will be very pleased with ‘Wheels of confusion’, occul hard rock at its best.


Dopelord are a Polish band from Lublin, making stoner doom of the highest quality, and this “Songs for Satan” is released on the deserving Blues Funeral Recordings. Ours are already an established name in the heavy and noisy world scene, thanks to their previous records and gigs. Those who like a certain kind of stoner doom metal knowvery well who Dopelord are and rely on them as securely as here dealers selling joy and reliable quality. Their sound is a textbook of roughness and sweetness, with the vocals becoming instruments themselves and fitting seamlessly into the group’s sonic journey. “Songs for Satan” is yet another masterpiece from this group that doesn’t really miss one on any record, with gigantic guitar riffs that unite under mountains of madness with a frightening rhythm section. This record is an homage to Satan, and it is in its entirety from start to finish, with pieces like “The Chosen One” bordering on perfection. Dopelord do more than just move our heads, they hypnotize us with their delightful sound, and like modern sirens they take us where they want to go, and that’s a good place to be, even if it’s a bit hot, but it’s not like it’s been getting any less hot here lately. Power, melody and balance of all the elements, well done job.


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The Queen Is Dead Volume 95 - Ananda Mida\Dusk\Dopelord

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