David Strong has been playing the strings alongside the best for decades. He is now front and center and just released his first solo album. He is a self-taught mumtiinateimentalist and composer, who has toured the world. Strong’s music is happy and upbeat with fun content. The songs are nostalgic.
What I mean is they have bits of The Ramones, Squirtgun and Green Day (riffs from the early 90’s) threaded in. It will bring any millennial back to their early years of discovering punk rock.
How many albums do you have or is this your first solo album?
Strong: This is my first solo record. I’ve played on a lot of records here and there but this is all me on the Dave Strong tunes!
Who have you played with in the past?
Strong: I’ve played bass in The Guts. I played bass in The Labor Pains. I played lead guitar in The Hellbound Hitman, and bass with Wimpy Rutherford (from The Queers) and The Cryptics.
What do you like about these songs?
Strong: What I like about these tunes (and not just because I wrote them) is that some of these words, riffs, and tracks have been a piece of me for over a decade. I’ve just been holding on, waiting till the right time. My daughter sings on “Little Girl”. I’d say getting these tunes out is so cool it’s almost like a fresh start, “Hey world here I am you know?”
Are you going to tour?
Strong: Yea, I’ll tour. I’ve done a little here and there with this guy and that. I did an east coast tour with my pals The Spachoolas.
What’s your backing band?
Strong: My backing bands have been different in the studio. At first it was just me, then my buddy Yori and Teri stepped up then Roger. We were in a band a bit then my pals from Jersey took over. I’m playing again with Terry and my friend Ian. That’s kinda why I named the band after me, Dave Strong cause I can really play with anyone that’s up to speed ya know!!
Lessons or self taught?
Strong: I’m self taught. I received guitar lessons for Christmas one year but all the dude did was learn Beatles tunes I wanted to learn and show off in front of me. At that point I was like I gotta do this myself and I learned all the instruments I could to the best of my knowledge.
How far have you toured?
Strong: I’ve toured all over the USA with Wimpy and The Cryptics. My favorite was Washington to San Diego. It was beautiful but with The Guts I did New Hampshire to Indiana and that was dope too. Also with Geoff Palmer I played some shows in Madrid, Leon with Kurt Baker. Amsterdam and Rotterdam with Roger and BFace !!
Who influences you musically?
Strong: I have a lot of influences from The Beatles to The Ramones, Dion to The Queers. I really, really love oldies and pop punk but I love rockabilly and rap too. So, I mean I’ve seen New Kids On The Block, Paula Abdul and Cinderella ya know I’m really in love with music!!!!
How old were you when you got into punk rock?
Strong: It was around 7th grade the first time I heard The Ramones, Rancid, NOFX, The Clash, and Butt Trumpets. I sorta crossed over after falling in love with Nirvana and digging into Kurt’s interests. Nirvana is still a huge influence on me.

(Photo Credit Dave Strong)
Where was your album recorded?
Strong: The songs for this were recorded in Atkinson, NH at The Wood Shop studio by Charlie Borruso. I’ve been working with him for a few years now and I dig his style and he gets my vibe. It’s a good match when you come across something that clicks that’s what’s up here and he ain’t no rookie!
Any shows coming up?
Strong: I do have a show November 18 at Hotel Vernon in Worcester, Massachusetts and one at The Pharmacy in Philadelphia on December 9. That’s it for me, solo this year but lots gonna go down in 2023 mark my words!!
What do you do during snowstorms?
Strong: I love snow storms. I’ve lived in New England all my life and I won’t lie, even as a kid I loved snow days. As an adult I’m the first one outside shoveling and making pathways and snow forts with my kids and family. I’ll stay outside as long as I can. I love getting soaked rolling around building snow people and snow angels. My little one Danny loves the snow too. I could go on and on but I love snow storms and winters in New England!
Best musical experience?
Strong: I have been very fortunate to have a lot of musical experiences. I’d say my best musical experience varied between touring to Lafayette, Indiana with friends and The Guts and recording at Sonic Iguana with Mass Giorgani! Doing the Songs of Freedom record with Phil Hill from The Teen Idles and Dave from The Parasites, meeting Mass and playing his bass, that was huge! We used a snare used on an Alkaline Trio record and a bass used on Common Rider and Screeching Weasel. It was a frickin trip and another dream come true. I was in a band that opened up for one of my all time favorite bands, The Bruisers at The Royal in Boston. Al Barr changed my whole world. When I was a kid his songs hit hard right in my heart. It was an honor to open a reunion show. I guess I’ve been really lucky but trust me I’m humble and I don’t take these experiences for granted!!
Worst musical experience?
Strong: I can’t really say I’ve had a worst experience. I’ve had a few missed opportunities but you can’t win ’em all. I don’t regret anything and I’m so grateful for everything I’ve done and look forward to anything and everything I have going on in the future. 2023 is going to be a big year for Dave Strong. Please do me a favor and check out my tunes, you won’t be let down. I’ve really worked hard these last few years to bring this sound to the next level and I aim to please!
David Strong
IG: @butchermandave2020