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Autopsy – Ashes, Organs, Blood And Crypts

A new album in close quarters for American veterans Autopsy, one year after the previous ‘Morbid triumphant’, also on Peaceville Records.

The formula is still that of naked death metal, powerful, uncompromising and very much related to the death metal of the 1990s and 2000s. Autospy are one of the best death metal bands in the world today, and they demonstrate it with this record, which is a massacre from the first to the last note, especially in the more marchy and cadenced parts as opposed to the fast ones.

There are tempo changes that unleash an irrepressible enthusiasm and the whole atmosphere is that classic and beloved of those who have elected classic death metal as their favourite genre. There is not a moment of calm or respite, everything is relentless and violent, beautifully played and produced with great care, in full respect of the Autospy style. Riffs that are now hellish, now more ghostly, offal of corpses flying among the living, and you no longer recognise the dead from the living.

These are the atmospheres, greatly enhanced by a remarkable technical ability, and a constant search for melody that makes them find solutions that are never banal and always bloody. “Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts” is a death metal record that comes close to the perfection possible in the genre, it is a very fun, violent and almost perfect sounding record.

What more do you want from a death metal record?

Autopsy – Ashes, Organs, Blood And Crypts

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Autopsy - Ashes, Organs, Blood And Crypts

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